Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Hola mis amigos!!!! I am currently sitting in my bed for the next 3 months bringing you this new blog update. 
Obviously I made it!!! :) The flight from Columbus to Newark was on a tiny plane with propellers and was very loud but I did fine.Then our flight from Newark to Madrid was also on a smaller plane, three seats then an isle then three more seats. It was a more turbulent flight but I think I slept for a couple hours.
When we arrived in Madrid we met up with the directors husband, Miguel and headed towards Salamanca. Half way, we stopped for lunch at an AutoGrill, then continued on to Salamanca. When we all arrived, all of the families were sitting on steps waiting for us to get off the bus, it was kind of intimidating and I must admit I was nervous. The women who picked me up was actually the tia(aunt) of mi hermana(sister) that I am living with. I just met my madre, Juana, about an hour ago. When I got to the house, I unpacked all my stuff and then after getting all settled in and after emailing everyone (mi casa has internet!!!!) Mark and I decided to meet in the Parque de los Jesusitas. We got maps, and I figured I would be fine but I ended up walking the completely wrong direction and ended up a different park. (It had a brass band which was cool) I turned myself around and ended up meeting with Mark at the right park, it was a huge relief. The park is literally 3 minutes from my casa, so had I turned right instead of left I would have seen it. While Mark and I were out walking we ran into Anne who had forgotten where she had lived and didn't have any numbers for her madre. She just remembered it was number 54 on some street in the same area that I am staying in. We helped her look and in the end, after circling the block 3 or 4 times and a call to Miguel, we found her house and her madre was just going in too! Lots of excitement for the first day!!!
Tomorrow we are meeting in the Plaza de la Libertad to begin our class that helps us become integrated into Salamanca. We will also be taking a tour of city and I hope we are able to get phones set up as well as go to a store.  
This is going to be the experience of a lifetime. I am so excited. My host family is great and this seems to be a wonderful city(even though it rained all through my exploration today). 
I was very surprised that my family has internet so hopefully I will be able to frequently update the blog!
Im super tired so I think I am going to go to be bed soon, 8 a.m will be here before I know it!
Hasta Luego!

1 comment:

  1. Omg that all sounds soo excited im glad that everything is working out so well and your haveing fun. Keep us all updated! Love ya :)
