Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Quick update before cena

All is well here in Salamanca, it's uber hot though! Last night Mark and I went to the plaza for the concert and it was a weird theatre/ music mixture where they'd cover an american 80's rock jam then do a skit. It was interesting, then we decided to get some dessert and we went to a restaurant and got a Gofre. It's a waffle, but like super good with sugar and then they serve it warm with whipped cream, sooooooooooo goooooodddd!!!! :) We had class today and then I went home had lunch(a weird mixture of rice, lettuce, oranges, and all different types of meat served cold) then I slept from 3-5. I ordered the train tickets to Bilbao and soo that was super exciting and then we met up with the group and went to the Ferias, which is basically a fair. Some of the rides there were super intense, Zoey and Luke would have loved it. :] Im getting ready to head to dinner now, then mark and I are going to another concert on the plaza tonight, it's some sort of blues band so that should be super interesting too :] I wanted to do this quick update because I probably won't update again until after the bull fight on Thursday!!
Things I miss:
1. Texting not costing .15
2. Peanut butter (I'm almost out of mine, and I should have gotten the mega container)
3. Pretzels
4. My pillows :]
5. Mexican food ( I have been craving some Vaqueros, cheese dip and guac mmmmm.... but I don't think they have those here ha ha :]
Hopefully I'll get to skype soon with some of my favorite people!

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