Sunday, September 5, 2010


So, after just finishing my homework, I decided I would update my blog, because today was a really neat day full of a bunch of stuff that I will forget about when I start writing my blog for the coming week. A note about this coming week in Salamanca, it's the Feria de Salamanca, with eating and a religious celebration on Wednesday of the Virgen de la Vega (we don't have class) so it's going to be a ton to write about! Here's a website where you read more about it!
I woke up at 11, after having a great night last night on the plaza. I met mark in the Parque de Jesuitas where I read and started working on my homework. We sat at a little cafe(right in the park) and I had cafe con leche and it was very relaxing. We then went to the Plaza Mayor and walked around took some pictures (on facebook soon I promise!) and just kind of wondered. Then we went back to plaza because we heard drums and I thought it was going to be a band or something, but it was actually una protesta!!! It was about the bull fights and how the were inhumane and signs saying "Torture is not art or culture". It was very interesting because it just got outlawed in Cataluña so it's a big debate in Spain. Both sides were very intense.
We then met up with the group and the two tour guides and went to el Parque de la Aldehuela a huge park with areas broken up for different sports and stuff. Then we walked to el Museo de Arte Contermporáneo and got to see some art. We didn't get to spend a lot of time there, but it's really close to where I live so I hope to go back!
As we were walking back to get on a bus to go back to the plaza, the tour guide said that this is the biggest park in Salamanca (pointing behind a wall with ivy on it) and said El Parque de Jesuitas! I was like I live right next to that, so mark ann and I walked through the park to head back to our houses. We ended up stopping at the cafe (again) because there was a band, tons of older couples dancing! So we decided to get some water and just sit and chat!
Now Im home, finished up my homework, and deciding whether or not to upload photos! Im super tired, so I might wait but we'll see! So excited to see what adventures next week brings!!! :)

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