Monday, September 13, 2010


Hola mis amigos!
Not too much has happened between this post and the last. and I hope Im not repeating myself, so here it goes! (side note- i think im getting my days mixed up too)
Thursday night the group met and went for casetas and saw Flamenco. We had tortilla, calamari, little baby deep fried squids, deepfried sardines, and rebuijto (white wine mixed with 7up). It was verrryyy yummy and a really great atmosphere :)
And, I guess my last blog was from Friday, so I guess I forgot to include that up there with it ja-ja! So Friday afternoon Kelly, Courtney, Kelley, Jess, Mark and I met to discuss traveling. Let me just say its not as easy as I thought it would be, and we're not as close to things as I thought we were. After much discussion, and meeting again on Saturday, Mark and I decided to go to Bilbao while the others are going to Lisbon, Portugal. Mark and I are trying to find a way to go to Lagos Portugal so we decided to go up to Bilbao for that weekend. Im having trouble booking the train, the website doesn't seem to be working, but thats the plan! :)
On Saturday our group met and went to the Mercador Medievel, like a medieval sort of fair. Everyone was dressed up and they were selling jewelry, food, candy ext.. It was neat. There were also some amazing acrobats there and I took a video so I will try to put that up on Facebook! Then that afternoon Mark and I walked around exploring the city and such. That night we had a dinner with Mari Angeles at a great restaurant with the whole group. We had calamari, salad, chicken, french fries, and some sort of pudding dessert. After that we attempted to go to the Plaza Mayor and see the concert but it was tooooo packed. There were tons and tons of people, too many to handle, so Mark and I went and bought some water, sat on a bench and talked. Then we walked home and I was asleep by 2 :)
So, here comes the part about the title "cansada", it means tired, and if I could describe myself in one word these last few days it would be that. On sunday I slept until 11:15 ( about 10 hours), had some crackers slept from 1-2(another hour), woke up  and attempted to eat some of my lunch( it was not my favorite). I then went and met mark at the park at 3 and we hung out until 7 or so. I came back, fell back  asleep until dinner, around 9:30(2 1/2 hours), ate (yummy meatballs and potatoes and a tomato and cucs salad) then slept until mark called me around 11:15 (1 hour 15 min) then I fell asleep for the night until I got up for class at 8! (9 hours) so if we take all that and add it together its like 25 hours of sleeping. Basically a lot. So yeah, and when Mark and I looked up online it has something to do with my blood sugar levels, and the fact that Im not on a regular schedule yet.  I think Im going to go to a grocery store this afternoon and buy some granola bars because I get super hungry at random times and have nothing to eat and I think that might add to me being soooo tirrrrreeeedddd!!!
On a brighter note, I get to skype with some lovely DG's tonight and Im super excited about that! Also, Joni is working on getting her skype set up so I can't wait to talk to her either!
Classes are going good, and Friday is our last class with Carmen in this introduction period. Kelley, Mark and I have a project we have to do which entails us being super tourists and asking one person all these questions in half english/spanish to see how they react. We then have to tell the class how it goes. Its going to be interesting to say the least.
We also get to see a bull fight this week, so I will definitely be updating and letting everyone know how that goes!
Missing everyone!

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